Future Plans

If you read the stuff from before, ignore it. I like my new idea more.

I like to multiclass anyway.

Let's say your a warrior. You finish the chapter and want to be something else, maybe a warrior wizard? =0


When you finish a chapter (defeating the first major boss) you'll be able to MULTICLASS! So for instance, like above, you were maybe a Rogue, now you want to be a Wizard, you're class will be called "Shadow Rogue." When you multiclass you get the perks of that class. ;) I will work more on this in the 3rd and 4th chapters.

Here's the layout of classes I had in mind...

Rogue's are trained in stealth, their choices are influenced by the next class they choose.

Rogue -> Wizard (Dark Rogue) ->Warrior (Shadow Killer)
Rogue -> Warrior (Disciple Rogue) -> Wizard (Ascended One)
Rogue -> Rogue (Shadow-Born)

Warrior's are trained to use their brawn. They are fearless heroes.

Warrior -> Wizard (Warlord) -> Rogue (Legend Hunter)
Warrior -> Rogue (Dark Warrior) -> Wizard (Cruel Master)
Warrior -> Warrior (Battle-Born)

Wizard's are trained to use and manipulate magic.

Wizard -> Warrior (Spellsword) -> Rogue (Blade Whisperer)

Wizard -> Rogue (Dark Wizard) -> Warrior (Demon Hunter)
Wizard -> Wizard (Spell-Bound)

Special Skills

  • Alchemy 
    • Can only be performed by wizards at the Wizard's Guild until you multiclass.
    • Will include potions and poisons.
  • Black Smithing
    • Can only be performed by warriors at the Guardian's Guild until you multiclass.
    • Can create weapons, armor, and with a technology perk (will be implemented in the game much later) can create robots (although you need alchemy and crafting skills for this)
  • Crafting
    • Can only be performed by rogues at the Hunter's Guild until you muticlass.
    • Create traps, bombs, hacking devices (with the other skills added afterwards).

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