This will be a HUGE wall of text. From here to the series of *s, I will reveal for the first time, the original idea behind this game. This information may now be irrelevant to the actual game.
The D&D story starts out in the City of Selenium. (All areas in the country are named after elements from the periodic table) Common Knowledge - The city has many places to enjoy, like the gambling dens, coliseum betting or competitions. Random jobs - Magic Guild, Martial Guild, Artisan Guild, Entertainment, etc. The government runs similarly to a democracy, but a king is elected by citizens, who is chosen by the Elite Guards from the Nexus called "Ark-Guards".
True Ark-Guards are phantasmal guards with skin that shows the stars, suns, and planets of the universe. They have beautiful silver and gold armor of the finest quality. They're usually human, but they're born and raised at the Nexus. They're the peace keepers of all worlds connected to the Nexus. Humans are only selected because of their low life span compared to most races. The power that Ark-Guards possess include hearing the prayer's of the innocent and obliterating enemies with a wave of their sword, no matter how large the creature is.
A person with a longer life span than a human's is rarely selected to be an Ark-Guard, because the Nexus Council worry that the power will corrupt them. The King of Selenium is named King Farlain. He loves battle, fighting, and justice. He's a lawful good King and hates his political status, but accepted the role as King to protect people. He is the Captain of the Ark-Guards in Odict, but the King during his political sessions. His beautiful wife passed away and he went into silence for a few years until a Wizard named Arcayn spoke to him. Farlain is now back to his normal self and keeping baddies away from the city. Arcayn is the oldest living human in Odict, aging around 700 years old, little more or less, he doesn't keep count anymore. Not much is known about him other than he owns the Entertainment District's Theater where people have plays, meetings, shows, concerts, etc. Lately you haven't seen the Theater to be very active and it's starting to look like a run down building.
Machines that produce food, electricity, and control magic are the only kinds of technology allowed for every planet that's connected to the Nexus. This is because the magic is so dense that you can almost see it in certain spots. Some spots are very visible and glow a vibrant redish pink color. This areas are called "Hotspots" and are used for teleportation, interstellar space travel to the Nexus, and trade. You have to have a Hotspot Pass to enter a hotspot. Most people use magic for moving around, whether its floating around, protecting themselves. A common fad in the city are enchanted items. Magic is so popular that its rare to see someone interested in technology, even though technology has evolved greatly.
Since machines and special equipment can control magic, regular police use anti-magic bullets that disrupt magical barriers and spots magic flow to a persons brain. If magic is cut off of the brain, the user can't cast spells. Electricity bullets are very popular among common people, especially workers. Instead of a gun that would fire a bullet, it fires lightning held in a cartridge at a range the user can set the gun to. The bullets carry a pre-charge bolt of lightning harvested by negative and positive electrons from the atmosphere. The bullet is charged by shaking it, and it takes one small shake to create a lightning bolt to stun an enemy, or maybe kill it. Most people just walk around with it in their pockets since they can't discharge unless they're placed in an Electro-Magnetic Cartridge Chamber first. So technology users never have to worry about lightning bullets firing randomly.
Enchanted items most people have are rings that prevent burns, or minor injuries. Magic is monitored by the City Guard, or Police. Towers are set up all over the city, and they measure the magic output of the areas. Guards and Police can pinpoint where high levels of magic are coming from. If something looks wrong, they patrol that area in case something bad where to happen. The Entertainment district has clubs, bars, Artisan Guilds, Arena, a Theater, Inns, and special schools.The Market district is the main district to the Artisan Guild, and the Hunter's Guild. It's where 90% of the food/clothes/weapons are traded and sold.
The Magic District contains the Mage's Guild, Wizard's Guild, Sorcerer's Guild, Necromancer's Guild, Warlock's Guild, Enchanter's Guild, and Cleric Guild. The Mage's guild and Wizard's guild have had a fued for many years.
Middle District is home to the Martial Guild, where most guards train with melee or ranged weapons. They don't use magic at all unless they enchant their weapons.
Poor District citizens are very common roaming the city looking for work, or staying around the entertainment district. The citizen's that usually stay in the district are Lone Wolves, or they belong to the Barbarian Guild, which requires a rite of passage to get into. They're mysterious and the Guard doesn't like them. The Police ignore them.
The Rich district is home to politicians, factory owners, or high ranking Guards and Police. Ark-Guards are commonly seen there protecting the gates of the king. The king is sometimes seen looking out his window from his tower with a telescope. It's very well known that he enjoys looking for beautiful women wandering the streets since his wife died.Farmlands are Hunter's Guild territory.
They make up the cities food and are well protected by guards and some police. The Battle Mage, named Lloyd Sunderclaw over sees protection to farmers and their land.Battle Mages are selected by the king to see over the guard and police in different areas. The Wizard Guild dislikes the Mage's Guild having power over Guards and Police, so the king gave specific restrictions to Battle Mages while on duty so they can't abuse their power.
Ark-Guards are so pure that when they sense a distressed citizen nearby, they watch over them quietly without the person noticing until the Ark-Guard feels they're safe.Each planet has 10 Ark-Guards, and each Major city, like Selenium, have 2 Ark-Guards. Ark-Guards come in pairs because they split their souls to loving lawful good Gods. No one knows why they come in pairs, but most people think its because they can remind each other what it means to protect people, and serve the universe until death.
The Poor District crime rate is lower than expected, and it's not very often someone gets mugged, or killed. Some people say secret cults are under the sewers in secret dungeons. Most people think its hogwash and the guard and police refuse to acknowledge the existence of a cult in the city at all.
This is an older, yet somewhat refined version of the game world.
About the Fictitious Galaxies
The Fictitious Galaxies are a chain of worlds that are linked together in a massive nexus. Worlds are easily accessible to each other through the magic within each world. The center of the Nexus is where all world links must pass before connecting to another world. The Nexus is an entity that was built by an unknown origin, but is used by humans to communicate with other worlds and to discover new ones.
There are currently over 1,000 worlds connected to the Nexus and most of them are barren worlds but help power the Nexus due to a surplus of magic hot spots. Magic can be used as fuel in this universe, and can also be manipulated in various ways. In magic dense areas the magic is visible and usually looks similar to heat waves but with multiple strings of colors running through itself.
Humans rarely discover new races, and when they do they usually aren't a developed race or they aren't really evolved but can live a life within a human colony as if they were human, but obviously not in appearance. Humans so far are the oldest race and the most powerful, but also the most hated by other races for their sinful ways and destructive natures. Although other races won't admit it, humans aren't all bad and in fact they can get along with most of them, if they aren't already friends with a few or many.
Each world is unique and the Nexus is the center of the ever expanding human colony. No average person could get into the Nexus because of how fragile and delicate it's believed to be. It's a major felony to be in the Nexus without a traveler's pass or a Nexus I.D. card and a special computer chip implanted in the users eye off to the side to conceal it for cosmetic purposes.
The Nexus has only been around for about two hundred thousand years; that was the ear that humans actually discovered it. Security between worlds, and the Nexus is regulated normally with a cessation period where travelers are monitored and everything is scanned, checked, and no privacy to be had. Going into the Nexus is similar to modern day air plane travel, but through space anomalies, which are uncommon, but not rare. Space anomalies are classified in several degrees:
1. Non-violent
2. Passive
3. Unknown
4. Aggressive
5. Violent/Dangerous/Threatening
These anomalies might be seen at least once during each passing to or from the Nexus. Sometimes they are bizarre and unimaginable, or sometimes it's dark and hellish. Usually it's just weird and odd, imaginable, but most people have the same thoughts as they travel.
With magic being introduced to the world and at anyone's disposal, severe regulations are upheld by law enforcement. Most worlds use magic every day and police never have a problem unless a surge of magic appears on their main frames that detect magic sources. If a violent spike of magic suddenly appears in a neighborhood then usually a couple of police will patrol the area for a while until the area simmers down.Magical specialist still can't understand the way magic works and can only help by teaching people how to manipulate magic for their everyday life to make living simpler and easy. Over use of magic can drive people insane, and have serious negative affects on the human body. Other races seem to resist magic, but can not manipulate it as well.
This story distorts reality and bends the fabric of the modern world into a disastrous yet functional world. Our Hero, Arcayn is about to turn eighteen and is in a rude awakening when bad timing and tragedy befall him on his birthday. He'll need to deal with pain, love, anguish, regret, despair, and every bit of turmoil life is about the push on him.
One day he encounters a hooded beggar on the street who appeared to be insane caused by the over use of magic. Arcayn doesn't acknowledge him because the hooded man is a wizard and Arcayn didn't agree with the use of magic or its users. The wizard stalks Arcayn after he apologized to him for not having any coin or food. The wizard has plans in store for Arcayn and can sense that there is a Arch Wizard inside of our young hero just waiting to be released.
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