Sunday, September 8, 2013

Main Story Line DEMO Complete!

I just got done editing the game to have the main story line's demo completed. You can now talk to the king, figure out what's happening and why you'd wanna play the game, etc., etc..

I'm uploading using Bayfiles and Sendspace now and I'll post them on the download page with the date next to it. Thanks for the support everyone!

- Wizardcraft

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Story Board Update and a SPOILER (sorta) =D

The Ending to the game has been completed, as in developed and written down. Personally I love it and hope everyone else enjoys it too. It'll be a while before I can work on this game again, maybe a week or two, but so far it's been story boarded because I had a writers block with this game for a while.

That changed like two weeks ago when I finally came up with an awesome conclusion and gave the story some crazy depth to it. The story is pretty dark but very redeeming at the end. Below is a small portion of the main idea behind what's going on in the story to make this game worth playing...

Year 50XXX. Magic has been introduced back into the world, 20,000 years ago. Magic is a mysterious creature and is considered alive. It can "infect" people, creatures or animals, and objects. People use magic to prolong their life to ridiculous years. Some people are in their 1k's. Before magic, there were only humans. When magic first came into the universe and began infecting people, anything they have imagined would come to life through childbirth, usually. Elves were born from humans because of a light infection, and if say two humans knew about elves in fantasies, then they had a chance of birthing an elvish baby. It happened to everyone though. Humans are almost rare in some places. Although, two elves can make human babies. People have been able to study magic and manipulate it to make sure that the magic doesn't change their child. 20,000 year ago they didn't know what was happening but ended up accepting it after several hundred years. Now everything that ever has been thought of that could exist probably does exist in a physical form. Either it's a elf, orc, goblin, fairy, dragon, or some poor soul made out of skittles, everything can exist. Even hope.

Hope is a unique thing in this world. Magic is unique too, and infects the imaginations of people. When it encounters hope, it manifest into something else, something beautiful you can hold in your hands. It looks like a transparent blob of ooze, but it's warm and comforting. Everything you'd hope it would be is in fact, hope itself. Although, despair is similar. Not many emotions manifest into a physical form, but hope and despair are the only two to have manifested. Hope brings something interesting to the table though. Hope gives everyone a special something, because it's magic, it has that power. With that said, here's a short spoiler for why the game has a conflict...

"Urza, Malakar, and Melbu, are siblings. Urza, the oldest at age sixteen is a beautiful girl and is the top of her Magical Science class. Malakar, the middle son at thirteen of age is a sweet and gentle soul. He's always wanting to help someone. Melbu, the youngest son at age eleven is very shy and doesn't speak much. He's a creative child though, and very artistic. Their parents, Larz and Miranda are very loving and caring. They're a poor family, with little money and property in their name they live very peacefully in the woods near the castle walls. Larz is a hunter, often tracking down food for his family. Miranda takes care of the children, teaching them the important things in life like family, friends, love, kindness, and gentleness."

The goddess see this poor family and think "Wow... A perfect family with almost no problems... There's hope." Hope can manifest into a physical form and can basically do anything you want with it. Although it's incredibly rare for this phenomenon to occur.

But someone knows about this family and the hope that grows around them, and they don't like it. This un-named person's entire existence has been ruined by the manipulation of magic, and when hope gets manifested into the universe it's like a slap to the face. This person, or thing, wants that hope crushed, forever, and they're going to make something so bad happen that all hope will be gone and lost. Only despair will remain. This person will go to incredible lengths to ruin this family and start a chain of events that will involve you, the player, to learn what happened to them, and find out who that person is that's causing this crisis. The Goddesses are losing their powers because without hope, they're doomed. It's up to you to fight back and defeat this evil.

And that's all the spoilers you're going to get outta me. I REALLY wish I could tell you more, but it'd ruin what happens, and I just like to add frosting to the already nice story line. If you don't like the story above, or you don't get it, don't worry. Once the game is done you'll be like "Oh well then, shit man, cool." Like everyone else I've told the real spoiler to. I hope this is enough information to sate some of you people that are wondering what this game is about. Thanks for playing!!!
